Tiny Farms Academy
Back to project overviewOpening pathways to organic farming and community
There is growing awareness of the distance between food production and consumers, as well as the impacts of industrialised agriculture on both people and planet. More individuals, like in Switzerland, would like to support organic farming practices as a response. However, the lack of qualified young workforce is one of the barriers to organic production. In addition, many people feel a desire to reconnect with nature to gain physical and emotional balance, by engaging in meaningful and practical activities, along with the experience of community.
The Tiny Farms Academy promotes the low-threshold entry of career changers into organic vegetable production. The innovative and holistic learning programme combines education with gardening expertise. Tiny Farms' farming concept is based on "Market Gardening”, inspired by the 19th century Parisian vegetable gardening tradition that stands for resource-saving and organic vegetable cultivation on a small patch of land, with direct selling to the end-consumer. With these methods, sustainable vegetable farms can be established on as small as half a hectare. The light-tech approach means investment costs are minimised and cultivation is soil-conserving and highly efficient.
The Tiny Farms Academy has already been successfully implemented in the Berlin and Hamburg regions of Germany and is now being expanded to other German-speaking countries, including Switzerland. The aim is to trigger a movement that takes food production into its own hands and helps to shape it in a sustainable way. Fourfold will support the development of new academy farms in Switzerland.
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Many people feel an increasing desire to reconnect with nature, natural rhythms and food production. Physical and emotional balance, meaningful and practical activity in harmony with nature and also the experience of community are needs that are also becoming more present.