elea Foundation for Ethics in Globalization

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Investing in entrepreneurial solutions and founders to fight poverty

A quarter of the world’s population lives below absolute poverty. They have incomes that might mostly cover their basic needs but not enough to meet many other necessities, such as education. They have no chance of accumulating any significant cash surplus and thus are highly vulnerable when unexpected events and adversities occur, e.g. COVID pandemic.

elea aims to fight absolute poverty by enabling entrepreneurial solutions for the base of the pyramid in poorer regions of the world. It supports entrepreneurs and early-stage “impact enterprises” in these countries that face high strategic and operational risks. Its investments are focused on four (4) thematic areas: employable skill-building; global agricultural value chains; informal retail and last mile distribution; and climate and livelihoods.


Geographic Scope
2022 - 2024
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ELEA Byoba2 Photos by David Brazier and Bio Innovation Zimbabwe

elea’s philanthropic investing approach focuses on the base of the pyramid and on entrepreneurial, market-based solutions to social problems, both elements which highly resonate with Fourfold.

ELEA SMV credit elea
ELEA Byoba Photos by David Brazier and Bio Innovation Zimbabwe